The UP University Consortium

UP University stands as a collaborative alliance comprising 10 strategically positioned universities and universities of applied sciences in mid-sized, non-capital cities across Europe. The UP consortium partners support over 125.000 learners per year, with numbers ranging from 3.000 to 30.000 across individual institutions. Together, we offer a full range of programmes from associate degree up to bachelor, master and PhD, in 13 different languages in addition to English.

Our partners:

  • Artevelde University of Applied Sciences (coordinator) – Belgium
  • FH Münster University of Applied Sciences – Germany
  • HAN University of Applied Sciences – The Netherlands
  • IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems – Austria
  • Oulu University of Applied Sciences – Finland
  • University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia – Spain
  • Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau – Romania
  • University Del Piemonte Orientale – Italy
  • DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies – Slovenia
  • UNIKO University of Korçé – Albania
  • KROK University – Ukraine (Associated Partner)

From UP consortium to UP University – 2021 till present

The UP Consortium has built robust foundations through years of informal cooperation on student and staff exchanges, Erasmus+ projects and other joint initiatives.

In 2021, AUAS and HAN UAS expressed their mutual ambition of establishing a network of like-minded European HEIs in a strategic partnership agreement. This early incarnation of the UP University consortium was soon joined by IMC Krems, Oamk, FH Munster, UVic-UCC, and UBc, who shared our mission and  complemented the consortium with additional expertise. The consortium attained its current composition over the last year, with the addition of UNIKO, UPO, and DOBA.

With 10 full partners and 31 associated partners the consortium now covers all four corners of Europe and encompasses a broad yet complementary range of expertise, allowing it to effectively work towards its desired impact in the whole of Europe.

Responsable living for the next generations

Our values and guiding principles support our mission:

Responsible Living” implies a lifestyle characterized by conscious and ethical decision-making. It involves a holistic approach taking into account the environment, society, and future consequences of present actions. This concept goes beyond individual actions and extends to the broader impact on communities and the world.

Next Generations” emphasizes a forward-looking perspective and a commitment to long-term impact. The consortium is dedicated to creating positive impacts and sustainable practices that will benefit not only the present but also the well-being and prospects of future generations.


UP University aims to:

  1. Grow into a fully functional, vibrant European interuniversity campus, where European collaboration and intercultural exchange thrive;
  2. Develop a joint educational offer that promotes sustainable living and allows our communities to develop future-proof skills through innovative and flexible learning paths that are accessible to all;
  3. Unite researchers, learners, regional stakeholders and citizens to co-create impactful solutions to regional challenges;
  4. Provide green and inclusive international mobility opportunities for both learners and staff;
  5. Promote a global societal mindshift towards active citizenship and global engagement within and beyond our own communities;
  6. Solidify our efforts to become a permanent leader for positive change on both local and international levels.

Guiding principles 

At UP University, we are guided by a set of European values and principles that underpin our commitment to excellence, inclusivity, sustainability, and innovation:

  1.  Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion as Foundation Pillars: We consider equity, diversity, and inclusion as the bedrock of our institution. UP University is dedicated to promoting equality and combating discrimination.
  1. Sustainability and Responsibility as Guiding Arrows: Every UP endeavor is guided by a commitment to sustainability and responsibility. We diligently assess the environmental, social, and economic impacts of our actions, ensuring that they contribute positively to the well-being of current and future generations.
  1. Human-Centered and Holistic Approach: Adopting a human-centered and holistic approach, UP University places the needs, experiences, and well-being of our students, staff, and quadruple helix stakeholders at the forefront of decision-making processes. We recognize the interconnectedness of education, research, regional collaboration, and societal impact.
  1. Forward-Thinking and Entrepreneurial Mindset: At UP University, we cultivate a forward-thinking and entrepreneurial mindset. Committed to continuous improvement based on data-driven insights and comprehensive 360° feedback, this mindset empowers our students, staff, and quadruple helix stakeholders.